Diesel-Resistant Heat Shrink Tubing

Flexible, abrasion resistant covering for wires.

Product Number IP56DR

  • Diesel-Resistant Elastomeric Polyolefin
  • Superior protection from aviation & diesel fuels, hydraulic fluids, greases and lubricants.

Flexible, abrasion resistant covering for wires

IP56DR is a heat shrinkable, flame retarded, elastomer tubing specially formulated for long term resistance to fluids, heat and mechanical abuse

Recommended for protecting cables and wire harnesses on military ground vehicles and is used in a variety of applications requiring ruggedness and fluid resistance.

IP56DR remains flexible at low temperatures which makes it ideal for cables and harness applications that operate in severe environmental conditions.

MIL-R-46846 Type 1 Class 1
(QPL product available upon request)
Temperature Rating:
  -75 oC to +120oC
Shrink Temperature:
150oC minimum
Standard Color:
Markers and Cut Pieces Available


Order Size Expanded Diameter Recovered Diameter Recovered Wall
1/8″ .125″ .062″ .028″
3/16″ .187″ .093″ .031″
1/4″ .250″ .125″ .035″
3/8″ .375″ .187″ .039″
1/2″ .500″ .250″ .04″
3/4″ .750″ .375″ .059″
1″ 1.000″ .500″ .071″
1-1/2″ 1.500″ .750″ .094″
2″ 2.000″ 1.000″ .110″


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