Polyolefin shrink tubing is available in a variety of different styles and shrink ratios. We carry both single-wall and dual-wall materials, from our commercial-grade offering to our extensive assortment of military and medical-grade products. Our RoHS and U/L compliant products are flame-retardant and resist a wide range of chemicals and oils, as well as sunlight, moisture and fungus. Applied with the use of a heat gun, other options include: thin wall polyolefin tubing which is highly flexible and great for saving space in tight places, semi-rigid polyolefin tubing which will not split when shrunk and adhesive-lined polyolefin tubing which can be used for any application that requires extra moisture protection or added strain relief.
Available in a wide range of sizes and colors, polyolefin tubing hot stamps extremely well to help give that finished, professional look to your products.
Check out our great selection of heat shrink polyolefin products at Insulation Products Corporation or speak with our friendly and knowledgeable customer service representatives at 630.771.0700 or at sales@insulationproducts.com, today!